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A silhouete of a man with rays of light emanating from the brain as a symbol of the power


With experience designing and teaching more than forty different transformative classes in higher ed, from certificates to entire graduate and undergraduate programs, I am glad to offer you accessible and affordable courses. All have to do with deepening and transmuting our relations to ourselves, each other, and the world around and within us.

The courses below are convenient if you want to learn by yourself, but what about learning live in small online classes, with me as your instructor? 


Tai Chi

The Art of Emotional Self-Defense

Model in Vibrant Pattern

When the World Shows Up in Your Dreams


Concentrate Your Life! A Course for the Super-Busy

Fun Presentation

Soft Skills for the Workplace

Female Speaker

Deep Teaching and Mentoring


For ​downloadable courses, know the basics of how to download and open files. Computers and laptops recommended. Audio files are in mp3, MOV, WAV, and m4a formats. You should be able to play them with iTunes, QuickTime, Windows Media Player, and a number of other programs. Also, be sure to check your spam mail if you purchase a course and don't see an email from here. Any information you give us is kept private and never shared.

Click each course image to learn more about the course.

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